Sunday, July 29, 2007

I did it!

See celebratry post after I sleep.
I did it!

See celebratry post after I sleep.
Irock :D
I wanna feel you frlm the inside, world!

We're down to the last hour! :D
Meep meep!

Acme Hidden Traps!
Well for me, Blogathon will end much like how it started; me taking half hour naps between posts. I know it's probably cheating but today was tiring for me and I just need a little bit of rest before I actually full on sleep. Besides, I'll still be posting. (:
Five more entries after this one ... I've never looked forward to sleeping more!
Ahh, this is hysterical.
So I'm damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don't, and you are...?
Only four hours left! Pretty spiffy, if I may so myself! I'm curious as to when I'll be waking up tomorrow though, teehee.
Oddly, Neopets got boring.

So now I'm on Newgrounds. Yay for porn games!

Err, I mean ... I'm a minor, porn is icky ...
Well, that's awesome.

I just bought the wrong freaking bottle of Sun Tan Lotion on Neopets.

...Yes, I know I'm a loser, hush.
Things Keeping Mel Awake:
Pre-Existing Insomnia (see last item on list for reference)
The food on the previous list
The Dr. Pepper Mini she's about to open
Neopets and her goal to make her shop bigger and obnoxiouser as the night continues
Her thoughts

Saturday, July 28, 2007

This is absolutely freaking crazy.

(Pray the embed code works!)

Current list of stay awake/eat one's emotions munchies:
Ten (!) Reeses chocolate covered cookies
A giant macaroon
A tall glass of milk
2 and a half mini gatorades.

Coming up at some point this night:
A mini Dr. Pepper
A mini Sunkist
Potentially more seriously awful for me junk foods!
Boys suck, throw rocks at them. Or those bars of soap with the razors inside.
Sorry this is late
I was talking with my mom
haikus fix it all
Eight more hours of this and zero friends who are night owls. Wish me luck, lol.
Wow, this guy I had a class with got really freaking gorgeous over the spring semester.

Holy damn. o:
God, this fucker's put me in an awkward situation.

I still feel like I'm in a relationship and yet here I am, searching the interwebs for local people my age that I'd consider for dating. I feel like some dirty old pervert. ><
You god damn kids had best be gracious with the merch money you spend
Cos for you I won't ever have rough sex with Molly Connelly again.

-Say Anything
"I can't even respond to this. Except that he's a fucking asshole."

Yeah, World, it'd be better if you just stuck with, "I don't even know what to say."

Also, I'm fucking annoying. Some faggot and his girlfriends said so. (:

(Mood: Depressed but using anger to overcompensate)


her bird is loud o.o;;
but so cute ^-^



ok well melly is back.
and she said to me:
"see? this charity is for planned parenthood.
reason for going to planned parenthood...

i think im pretty nice T___T
thanks you butthead >>;

well shes back so she may take over...
if i let her lawl


so because...

of my boy i have fallen in love with psychobilly
music =] i love The Creepshow. her voice is amazing
and i really cant say i like many many girl bands either
^-^ but you people should really check it out...
now D< hee ^^


i slept tons last night...
but im still majorly tired o.o;;
stupid meds



that was really good =D
and melly missed out on it xD
her mom made this pizza thingy [lol]
and since shes not home, nessa got it =]
it was tre yummy.
i wonder how things are going with her and the
boy >>; ive yet to hear from her >.<


so i have decided...

that i am a text-a-holic lawl


i think ill...

actually write something that has to do with what im thinking right now.
lol even if my mindless rambling is more entertaining. so this summer a
lot of thing have happened for me. i was able to get back with the love of
my life after the horrible 4 moth breakup we had. and to be honest i thought
of him the entire time... people told me to get over him but i didnt want to. and
mel has been everything you can ask for in a best friend to me. i love her to death.
and if you read this [and i know you will] melly, i adore you and want to thank you
for being the perfect friend to me. i love you babes.

and lately there have been a lot of issues with people around me. mostly because of
this guy i had dated about 2 months ago. hes making it so people are actually going
and harassing me. well one of the 2 people apoligized for it... and said she miss me
as a friend. i dont know if i should take it to heart or not tho. ive been burned a lot
in the past so meh -.-;;

but hey all in all this summer has been ok with school and what not ^-^ i guess i cant
ask for more than the loving family and friends i got going right?



so mels still not back...
and my hands are starting to hurt...
im not used to typing this much lOl

stupid needing a job.
[i think my butt is numb >>;]


did you know...

that 30 min goes by faster than you might think?
lawl maybe its cause im just internet deprived xD

;dreams of jimmy urine;



i think im hungry >>;
;eats crackers and peanut butter;
^-^ happy belly.


rawr =3

muahaha so i missed the internet n.n
and now i get to be used for it rofl.

but did you know,
that people can change even if you dont believe it?

something to think about...
damn this knee >.<

I'm off to go pick Nessa up from the bus stop. Then we're gonna come back, I'll show her what to do and how it all works, and then I'm off to do my thing.
Well, when God and internet connections close a door, they open a window.

In about a half hour, my friend Nessa will be at my house. While I'm not here. Just so she can use my internet for dirty things and blog for me. Isn't she a sweetheart, don't we freaking love her to death, doesn't that just make us want to sponsor me more?

Chances are she'll just be using my account, which means no setting up extra author accounts, yay!

Now, be nice to Nessa, I plead of you. She's doing something super nice (and possibly insane) for me! So, not only be nice to her, love on her as well!

I will be back tonight at the latest, an hour from now at the earliest-ish. (Or, Nessa will only make one post. It all depends on how my luck is running.)
I have to work this Boy stuff out.

So filling in for me is my friend Kalee. She's not usually a blogger and she's only doing this because I asked, so be very kind to her until I return!

She'll be making her premiere at 1:30 (or 2:00 if things get wonky, and if that's the case, I'll be making another post, naturally.)

Good luck to all of you, and good luck to me, too! :D

EDIT: nevermind, she disappeared. Off to find some other replacement blogger, then.
I should go over to The Boy's and try to figure out what's up, but I'm a chickenshit.
Noon, and I'm still not wearing any pants. I love Saturdays.
I need to sit and read Deathly Hallows again. With a calm, clear, not ZOMG MUST ABSORB THIS ENTIRE THING IN TWO SECONDS mind frame. But first, my dad must read the entire series. Good thing he's already on book three. Or is it four?
You know what I've wanted for several years now?

A credible website that converted website currencies. No no, not any of this "buying WoW gold illegally" crap. Like a site where you could say go in and be like "I want to transfer my gaia gold to my neopets account" and then it's like 3 gold for 1 neopoints. So like in my case, I have 24k on Gaia, but it would become 8,000 neopoints. Or if I wanted to do the reverse, it'd be 3 neopoints for one gold. And it would apply for any sites like that.

I suppose the only downside to a site like that would be that there are people who know how to make the site currencies illegally and so they'd have an unfair advantage, but hey, maybe a system like that actively used could reduce how often that sort of stuff is done?
Dying of thirst, I am.

Good thing we have more Gatorades. Yum.
I think I actually had a wise thought in my dream.

Just give me time to actually wake up and make sure of such a thing.
Maybe its time I stop napping between posts.

...After this post
Okay, imagine, you're waiting in line at Petsmart, and then a chick gets behind you in line, baby squirrel in hand.

This happened yesterday.
Tropicana's Pink Lemonade is tasty.

Yeah, that's all I got.
I uh, think I just had a dream I was friends with Jodie Foster.

Like, when she was a child star.

Very odd.
Sparky Duck wishes to know how I found a free concert.

I guess the story is that this park in Downtown Sacramento does one every Friday through out the whole summer. All ages, to boot. The bands and cheezy host guy voiced some concerns about what the local music scene is becoming (only churches in suburbs off of Sac do all ages shows, they're passing weird legislation about what clubs can and can't do, and Downtown Sacramento is turning into the world's biggest food court ... TONS OF RESTAURANTS but no music...)

But I went with Nessa, her boy, and her brother to see Helper Monkeys, Red Tape, and The Snobs. Local punk music. Even with how overly stressful yesterday was, I had a good time.
My dog decided to crawl into bed with me. By crawl into bed with me, I mean jump on my bed, sprawl on top of me, attempt to shove me off, and lick me at random. She's lucky I love her dorky ass <3

Anyway. You know, I wish I had a water cooler in my room. Just because Sacramento gets so freaking hot and I can't be bothered to walk back and forth between my room and the kitchen all night long. Especially since it would be like, get out of bed, find pants, trip over dog, feel around black hallway, get to kitchen, find there's no water in the filtered pitcher, fill the pitcher filter, wait for the water to filter, dehydrate while waiting, finally get half a glass of water, feel around hallway and trip over the dog yet again


Morning again. I, uh, don't really have anything to say at this stop. Except that I really like Gym Class Heroes for some really strange ass reason. Which reminds me, I'm gonna go to Warped Tour this year. I'm excited. Okie, see you in 30!

Post One of Fourty Eight

(Whatever is in bold was written the "night" before ... or rather, five hours before Blogathon begins because Mel is absolutely fucking crazy.)

Good morning, future self.
Ugh. Mouth tastes gross, shoulder feels awful, and my dreams are weird.

Tell the folks about yesterday ... but be brief, you only have about ten minutes!
Free concert! Bitches at said free good!

So, would you like to fit in a twenty minute nap between posts?

Sure :D

Whatever. So, if any body's reading this, why not leave me some suggestions for what my next post should be on!