Saturday, July 28, 2007

You know what I've wanted for several years now?

A credible website that converted website currencies. No no, not any of this "buying WoW gold illegally" crap. Like a site where you could say go in and be like "I want to transfer my gaia gold to my neopets account" and then it's like 3 gold for 1 neopoints. So like in my case, I have 24k on Gaia, but it would become 8,000 neopoints. Or if I wanted to do the reverse, it'd be 3 neopoints for one gold. And it would apply for any sites like that.

I suppose the only downside to a site like that would be that there are people who know how to make the site currencies illegally and so they'd have an unfair advantage, but hey, maybe a system like that actively used could reduce how often that sort of stuff is done?

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